KCRSPA 2014-15
The Kent County Retired School Personnel Association may be a small group of retirees but a very active, vibrant one. This year we have gained seven new members and will continue to reach out to all retired school personnel and encourage them to join our association. We are also going to celebrate our 50th year anniversary.
Throughout the year, our association holds four luncheons and general meetings in the months of October, December, March, and June. At each luncheon, we have guest speakers from our state association, members of the Kent County Board of Education, and our “Kent County Teacher of the Year.” We were also pleased State Delegate Jay Jacobs joined us at our October luncheon. At our December luncheon, we hold a very festive, fun “Chinese Auction” which raises money for our scholarship fund.
ACTIVITIES we accomplished this year:
* KCRSPA collected 96 pounds of food, 40 children’s books, many hats and mittens, and $50 for the county Food Pantry and Backpack Program.
* KCRSPA support Cliff School, a one-room schoolhouse, by volunteering to cleanup the yard, serving as docents, as well as donating money to help with projects
* Several members attend MRSPA Leadership Workshops, AARP and Legislative workshops and MRSPA Annual meeting
* KCRSPA will present two $1200 scholarships to two graduating seniors at KCHS majoring in education
*Several members volunteered to help deliver 450 Christmas boxes to the needy for the Lion’s Club of Kent County
*Our newsletter “THE BELL RINGER” is published four times year featuring important legislative news, consumer education information, birthdays, upcoming events, committee reports, etc.
*KCRSPA sponsors, each year, a trip to the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, PA. It is also a fundraiser for our scholarship fund.
* KCRSPA provides information and help with the county’s pre-retirement seminar.
* Several members help the Olde Kent Quilt Guild cut, sew, and piece together quilts for newborns. This year 25 quilts were delivered to local organizations and hospitals in Kent, Queen Anne, and Cecil Counties.
*Several members met during the summer to revise our by-laws to strengthen our association.
* KCRSPA celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday by reading to the young students in our four elementary schools. The children received stickers, bookmarkers, and pencils for being such respectful and kind listeners. All who participated in this activity enjoyed the day.
* KCRSPA has a website sharing information about our association
Thank you to the members of our association for the dedicated service and commitment to the children and youth of Kent Country.
Nancy M. Harrington